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Details for Mifflinburg Hose Company
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Website - http://www.mhc3.org

Union County Company 3, Mifflinburg, PA 17844.

Information about Mifflinburg Hose Company

The Mifflinburg Hose Company #1 was formed on June 10, 1898. The first firehouse was located in a barn to the rear of Dr. Bohn's residence at Fifth and Market Streets. In 1928 the Department purchased the old bank building at 325 Chestnut Street and converted it into a fire station. On July 12, 1976, construction was started on a new station at the present site and was dedicated on November 12, 1976. The Company operates five pieces of apparatus with a membership of 120 and continues to educate the public on fire safety through programs in the schools, clubs, and civic organizations.

By 1810 the German Reformed and Lutheran congregations had erected the Elias Church and the Methodists were gathering in a small log house in town. The town had both a German school and an English school. The Lewisburg-Youngmanstown Turnpike, the Bellefonte-Arronsburg-Youngmanstown Turnpike, and later the Lewisburg/Tyrone Railroad increased the traffic through the area and promoted the growth of the town.

The MHC serves a total population of about 15,000 people from our only station located on Chestnut Street in downtown Mifflinburg. At first glance, the population served seems small. But when you add in the fact that those people are scattered over what amounts to almost half of Union County, response time takes on a new meaning.

Our coverage area includes parts of the Bald Eagle State Forest, R.B. Winter State Park and numerous other smaller state parks and natural areas. Our coverage area includes parts of the Appalachian Mountains and some of the roughest terrain in the Mid-Atlantic area.
We also boost of some of the most scenic farming valleys in the United States.

Housing stock varies from 18th century farm homes to modern two story housing. Although we have our share of structure fires, we respond to silo fires, vehicle accidents, farm accidents, search and rescue and wildfires.

Traffic statistics for Mifflinburg Hose Company