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Details for Warren Township Fire Company
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Website - http://www.warrentvfd.com

Bradford County Station 18, Warren Center, PA 18851.

Information about Warren Township Fire Company

Warren Township is in the Northeast corner of Bradford County, Pennsylvania. The population, according to the 2000 census was 1,025 and covers 42.2 square miles.
The Warren Township Volunteer Fire Company was founded in 1947 by a group of WWII veterans that decided to the community needed a fire company. The first truck was a 1935 Chevrolet bought from Apalachin. On December 6, 1946 the company recorded it's first minutes. The charter members of the WTVFD were: Daniel R. Abell, B. Merle Allyn, Louis Antisdel, Louis Arnold, Leonard Barnes, Lilburn Barnes, Earle Bidlack, Clayton Canfield Jr, Leo Jones, Russell Jones, Arthur Painter, Glenn Pitcher, Merton Powell, Forrest Weaver, Carl E. Wilson, Earl W. Wilson, Elbert E. Wilson, and Milo Wilson. Bus Bowen was the first chief. In 1953, Warren Township Volunteer Fire Department became incorporated.

In 1959 or 1960 the members built a fire station on the lot where the old Warren Center schoolhouse once stood. Besides the 1935 Chevrolet the other apparatus the company has owned are a 500 gallon 1941 tanker, a 1,600 gallon 1951 International tanker, a truck that Art Painter built in 1960 or 61 on the frame of a 1955 Dodge, a 1957 International, a 1969 brush truck, and the current 5 trucks the company now uses a 1974 International Pumper, a 1975 GMC Pumper, a 2,000 gallon GMC Tanker, a 1985 Ford F350 Brush truck, a 2005 Freightliner Pumper/Tanker, and our latest addition is a 1997 Ford F350 Attack Truck with a 500 gallon fastattack tank that was built by the members of the Fire Company. Currently, we have 170 personnel that pay dues of which 29 are active.

Traffic statistics for Warren Township Fire Company