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Details for Troy Fire Department
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Website - http://www.troyfire.com

Bradford County Station 16, Troy, PA 16947.

Information about Troy Fire Department

The department was chartered on July 6, 1871 under the name of Oscoluwa Engine & Hose Company #1, aka; Troy Volunteer Fire Department with 33 active members. There have been 80 chiefs and a present membership of 100 fire fighters.

The first station was in the same location as the current Krise's Tire. All equipment was loss during a flood in the early years (actual date unknown) which consisted of a horse drawn steamer later found in the creek near Kozy Kitchen Restaurant.

There are currently two station; the main station is in Troy which was completed in 1994. Station #2, a satellite station, is located in West Burlington at the County Manor.

There are 179 square miles of territory in the fire coverage area consisting of 9 municipalities; Troy Boro and Twp., Burlington Boro & West Burlington Twp., Columbia Twp., Armenia Twp., Springfield Twp., Sylvania Boro, and Granville Twp.

Traffic statistics for Troy Fire Department