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Details for Fountain Dale Volunteer Fire Department
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Website - http://www.fountaindalevfd.com

Adams County Company 3, Fairfield, PA 17320.

Information about Fountain Dale Volunteer Fire Department

The Fountaindale Volunteer Fire Company was organized November 25, 1946. The fire department was incorporated in May of 1947. Fountaindale's first piece of apparatus was a 1942 Mack carrying 500 gallons of water with a 600 gallon per minute pump. In September of 1970 the company purchased it's second piece of equipment, a 1956 International Tanker, carrying 1000 gallons of water. In 1975, a second tanker was donated to the company. This was a 1953 GMC, carrying 1500 gallons of water, which members painted and repaired themselves. In April of 1975 the Hamiltonban Township Supervisors purchased for the company a 1954 GMC which added a fourth piece of apparatus. In April 1976 the company agreed to accept a 1966 Cadillac Ambulance on a one year trial basis.

The company originally stored the 1942 Mack in the garage of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shindledecker. In the summer of 1974 plans were made for the company to build its first engine house on land donated by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shindledecker . By January 1975, a 42 by 60 steel building by Morton was taking shape. On July 13, 1975 an open house and dedication took place.

Currently, Fountaindale Volunteer Fire Department provides protection to portions of Hamiltonban Township, Liberty Township and Carroll Valley Borough in Adams County. The department also provides mutual aid to portions of Franklin County, Pennsylvania; Frederick County, Maryland; and Washington County, Maryland.

Traffic statistics for Fountain Dale Volunteer Fire Department