
Seven Counties, One Brotherhood.


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Details for Aspers Fire Company / EMS
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Website - http://www.aspersfireems.org

Adams County Company 8, Aspers, Pennsylvania, 17304.

Information about Aspers Fire Company / EMS

Aspers is located approximately 12 miles north of historic Gettysburg, PA. We are situated in the rural fruitbelts of Adams County and serve numerous townships surrounding the village of Aspers. Numerous local businesses and fruit and fruit processing facilities depend on us in their time of need of fire or other emergency services.

Our mission is to bring to each resident of our rural area a feeling of security. A knowledge that if and when they need us in an emergency we will be there within minutes with trained personnel and the most modern and up to date equipment possible.

Our fire company was built in 1923 by H.C.Gulden, a local furniture manufacturer. He used local labor as well as the old Civil Works Administration. Although Mr. Gulden has passed away his furniture factory still stands in the same place today and is still making furniture. The old fire hall was torn down in 1980 and the present fire hall built.

We get absolutely no funding from any governmental source except it is required by Pa. law that the township must pay for our workers compensation. From what we understand, we are the only fire company in Adams County, Pennsylvania that has to pay it's own electricity, heating & cooling, monthly water & sewage,and our equipment fuel bills.

Traffic statistics for Aspers Fire Company / EMS